A well-designed dental practice takes a great deal of planning and consideration. As you commence on developing a realistic and practical design, meditate on the following five characteristics used by the Dental Office Design Competition (DODC) of judges:
Meets stated objectives. Before you begin any dental practice design, whether a small renovation, or build out at a new location, it is essential to fully understand and define the objectives of the project. Ask yourself, what it is that you are seeking to accomplish? For example, are you looking to expand your work area to add patients, make accommodations for new dental equipment or technology, improve productivity, or create an environment that is more open and welcoming? The more clarity in your objectives, the more rewarding the end result will be.
Achieves functional balance. To accomplish this, you will need the support of design professionals to make certain the architectural design, clinical function, technology integration and ergonomic design will blend together to accommodate the requirements of your patients.
Utilizes an effective floor plan. The floor plan is a key ingredient in improving office efficiency and building a practice that works well for you and your patients. You need room to move and the availability to grow with the demands of your practice, while offering comfortable movement for both patients and staff.
Incorporates updated equipment. Embracing new technology and trends play an important role in remaining competitive. In addition to increasing the productivity and efficiency of your practice, you convey to your patients they are receiving the best care possible. Practices that incorporate new technologies have been shown to blossom even in sluggish economic conditions.
Looks professional and appealing. It’s no secret that a key reason many offices undergo a remodel or makeover is to create a more contemporary and alluring atmosphere. Some patients will never enjoy going to the dentist and new patients have no way to determine the quality of your services. Having a practice with a design that is exceptional and professional will help to build confidence and reassure patients of your expertise.
For more information on how to design your dental practice, grab our free report on planning considerations for dental offices.