Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality in Healthcare Development

Aesthetics and functionality in healthcare development is essential for facilities focused on superior patient and staff experiences. Beautiful spaces welcome patients making them feel safe and relaxed, while functional environments provide staff everything they need to work efficiently. The result is superior care with less friction in facility processes and increased satisfaction for both patients…

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Design Considerations for Specialty Clinics

Whether your specialty clinic focuses on day surgery and treatments or diagnostics and mental healthcare, your clinic design contributes to patient experience and outcomes. Through thoughtful design you can cater to the specific needs of both patients and medical professionals with a focus on efficiency and industry innovation to foster an environment for healing. However,…

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Principles of Sustainable Design in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Sustainable principles in ambulatory surgery center design can help improve patient experiences, foster better health outcomes, and realize cost savings for healthcare facilities. Sustainable design also helps mitigate environmental impact, promotes long-term sustainability, and provides an avenue to fulfill your corporate social responsibility goals. As a result, stakeholders in healthcare facility construction should apply the…

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Design and Build Best Practices to Optimize Office-Based Surgery Facilities

Whether you are tired of striving to succeed in the hospital system or feel you are being held back operating in the confines of a small corporation, building your own office-based surgery facility overcomes the limitations of shared medical spaces. However, how do you ensure your facility optimizes operational efficiency, improves patient experience, and sets…

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Ground Up vs Build Out

This article explains the differences between ground-up construction and buildouts and the pros and cons of each for healthcare construction.

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